At Hermann United Methodist Church we are pleased to be part of a denomination that offers open hearts, open minds and open doors. We are a community of believers who strive every day to walk in the image of Christ. Join us on Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 9:30 and Worship at 10:45. Don’t worry about dressing up. We want to love you just as you are. [Read more…]
Vickie Oelschlaeger Real Estate
With 5 years of experience listing and selling property under other brokers , Vickie Oelschlaeger, Broker-Manager of Vickie Oelschlaeger Real Estate, LLC opened for business on March 26, 2001. During those years of working and learning from other brokers, Vickie made the decision that the best course of action was to begin her own business. [Read more…]
William Fields Art Photography
William Fields, Art Photography creates and offers wall art images of subjects mainly in and around Hermann Missouri. Additionally, we are available to photograph weddings, parties, all manner of events, portraits, architectural subjects, food, etc. [Read more…]