The mission of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church is to communicate, foster and support the true and saving gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to our members, to our neighbors, the community and throughout the world, and to do so in an ongoing and expanding manner. This church has a rich history in helping the community and doing so thankfully. With ongoing yearly programs like Vacation Bible School and Journey to the Cross, Shepherd of the Hills Church seeks to make a difference in Hermann Missouri.
On January 24, 1982 a group of Missouri Synod Lutheran’s began holding services upstairs in the old firehouse on Market Hermann, Missouri. They met as a mission preaching station which was served by the Pastors of the churches in the Washington Circuit. Pastors from the Washington Circuit took turns preaching each Sunday. On October 31, 1982 nineteen members signed the charter constitution to become an official congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. The group continued to meet at the firehouse or in the homes of members until a house was purchased on Hwy 19 south of Hermann in February of 1983. The house was remodeled to function as a church and the first services were held there in April of 1983. Lay Minister Carl Krueger was called to be the first full-time minister. He served from December 2, 1984 until his retirement on June 30, 1991. Rev. Barry Akers was ordained and installed on July 14, 1991 and served until February 1996. Rev. Pete Scheele was ordained and installed on July 8, 1996. At this time the congregation was outgrowing its small “house church”. Land was purchased on Hwy 100 west of Hermann, and building was begun on the current sanctuary with cornerstone laying in 1999. The building was built by Laborers for Christ with lots of “sweat equity” from the members. The new church was dedicated on February 20, 2000. Rev. Scheele accepted a call in August of 2004 to serve in Colorado. At the request of the congregation, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, assigned Vicar David Rawlings to serve the congregation in June of 2005. He completed his vicarage and was called, ordained and installed as Pastor on May 21, 2006. At this time Shepherd of the Hill has 117 members, 111 of which are communicant members. We pray for God’s continued blessing on this congregation as we go about His work to share the Good News of Jesus Christ our Savior.
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church

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